Database - Wisdom of Splendor

Wisdom of Splendor

Wisdom of Splendor (62)     Wisdom of Splendor location on the map Location

Angels (8)
These creatures of the heavenly realm or the race posses sacred blessings and were originally creatures of the spirits of light. In some very rare cases, angels can manifest the gods' will in reality.

Exp: 9220, SP: 822
Aggressive: Yes, Herbs: Yes
HP: 3218, P.Atk: 944, M.Atk: 532, RunSpd: 173
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adena Adena (1207-2445) - 70%
Thread Thread (1) - 29.39%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget (1) - 5.88%
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread (1) - 1.47%
Compound Braid Compound Braid (1) - 1 / 102
Thons Thons (1) - 1 / 204
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade (1) - 1 / 518
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade (1) - 1 / 1,558
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear (1) - 1 / 1,757
Recipe: Soulshot: A-Grade Recipe: Soulshot: A-Grade (1) - 1 / 5,076
Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 64 Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 64 (1) - 1 / 21,739
High-Grade Life Stone: level 64 High-Grade Life Stone: level 64 (1) - 1 / 100,000
Wizard's Tear Wizard's Tear (1) 1746 B 1 / 142,857
Sword of Damascus Sword of Damascus (1) 1746 B 1 / 142,857
Guardian Sword Guardian Sword (1) 1746 B 1 / 142,857

Metallic Thread Metallic Thread (1) - 33.3333%
Compound Braid Compound Braid (1) - 20%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece (1) - 11.1111%